Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader is a very powerful tool which helps every child who takes part in the programme from Y4-Y7 to reach their full potential in reading. We are delighted to have Accelerated Reader in St. Colmcille's and the impact of it will help our children immensely.
Children will read a large number of books over the next year and will complete online quizzes in school. The better they do on the quizzes, the more points they receive to meet their targets and in turn they will earn rewards!
Here is how it works.
STAR Reading Test.
Children take a STAR reading test at the start of the year which is used to provide their reading age and the level of books they should begin to read. This level is very helpful as the children visit our Accelerated Reader library and pick books at or slightly above their level.
Children will complete 5 STAR reading tests each year which will allow teachers to track their progress and also give children up-to-date information on which level of books they should be reading which will continue to challenge them. It will also mean that the children will not pick books which are too difficult or too easy for them.
Accelerated Reader in school.
The children will have opportunities to read Accelerated Reader books from the Accelerated Reader library at home and in school. Accelerated Reader books are separate from reading books that teachers send home for homework. This will continue as normal. Children are also encouraged to read their Accelerated Reader books at home if they take them home.
When the children finish reading their Accelerated Reader book they will complete an online quiz about the book in school. This will test their reading and comprehension skills. The more questions the children get correct the more points they receive.
Points and targets.
Each term the children will be set a points target. To meet their targets they have to read Accelerated Reader books, take a quiz on each book and they can earn points. They will meet their targets by scoring the set amount of points.
We have found the children really love trying to reach their targets.
If children reach their targets they can win a range of prizes and rewards for themselves and their class.
Helping children achieve their potential.
Accelerated Reader is not just about points and prizes. It gives us a wealth of information about the children's progress in reading and comprehension - the building blocks of the curriculum and indeed the key to unlocking learning in other areas like mathematics.
With children taking Accelerated Reader quizzes each week and 5 STAR reading tests each year, we will be able to track the children's progress, identify if the books they are reading are too easy or too difficult, help children if they are struggling and challenge children to develop their strengths and capabilities.
The Accelerated Reading programme in the school has been developed by our Literacy team and rolled out by the teachers and classroom assistants. We look forward to the successes the children will have throughout this year.