About St. Colmcille's Nursery

St. Colmcille’s Nursery is a fantastic environment for your children to strive and develop during their Nursery years.
Mrs Ward is our Nursery teacher and we have so many wonderful activities and daily routines that the children love taking part in - truly the building blocks of a wonderful time in St. Colmcille’s.
In the Nursery's most recent inspection report, the inspectors commented on our superb Nursery. They said the strengths are:
- The confident, well-motivated children who demonstrate very good levels of independence, self management and enjoyment in their learning.
- The outstanding opportunities for learning in all areas of the pre-school curriculum; in particular, the development of the children's early mathematical concepts and of their language and communication skills.
- The consistently high quality adult interactions with the children.
- The outstanding links with parents to help them support their children's learning.
- The very effective Nursery teacher and skilful Nursery assistant.