Prestigious Digital Schools Award
Fantastic news! The school and nursery has just been awarded the prestigious Digital Schools Award for the school’s excellence in learning and teaching with technology! The validation and assessment process was completed last week and we were notified today. Thank you very much to everyone in the school community over the past 20 years for all of their excellent work and particularly Ms Robinson and Mrs Curran. The awarding panel mentioned the effective leadership of ICT and learning that Ms Robinson gives to the school and the children and they also commented on the excellent examples Mrs Curran shared of activities that children complete in all classes. Well done everyone! 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆
St. Colmcille's Primary School & Nursery Unit, 23 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry BT47 4HR
Phone: (028) 7133 8419